MYSTIC APOTHECARY - bougieEntrez chez l'apothicaire mystique où les effluves envoûtantes d'eau de Cologne antique fusionne avec les Potions poussiéreuses et le Vétiver enchanteur. Un voyage entrelacé de mystère et de magie. Allumez cette bougie pour invoq


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Enter the mystical apothecary where the captivating scents of ancient cologne merge with dusty Potions and enchanting Vetiver. A journey intertwined with mystery and magic. Light this candle to invoke a secret world of ancient spells and esoteric rituals.

  • 350ml
  • ~55h
  • 100% natural soy wax
  • highly scented
  • wooden wick
  • vegan & cruelty free

May cause an allergic reaction.

Never leave a burning candle unattended. Keep out of reach of children and pets. Always leave at least 10 cm between candles. Do not burn on or near anything that could catch fire. Leave the candle burning for approximately 3-4 hours each use. Cut the ash part of the wick before each relighting. Never burn the last inch of your candle

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